Wednesday, November 7, 2012

          Finished the minor repairs on the house yesterday and almost finished cleaning up all the leaves. Spent almost 6 hours on the tractor grinding up the leaves and moving them to the two compost piles. The piles are very tall right now but I'm sure the snow that is coming will take care of the compacting of them.We wish we didn't have to come back from the warmer area in the south but we had some things we had to take care of but we hope to get back south right after the new year. Still need to get rid of some small items  in the house that were left over from the final auction. But mostly it is just some clean up and of course my lack of prior planning I need to go and buy a snow shovel today, OH well.                                         G


  1. Uh oh, maybe we should not have sold the shovels :-).

  2. We need to catch up with you and give you money!!
