Friday, June 20, 2014

Some Sight seeing

A proud Osprey Dad looking over at mom working with the little ones.

Mom working hard to feed the two little ones in the nest.

The view from atop the Cape Hatteras Lighthouse. The NPS has opened up all the lighthouses this year for the first time . They have all be restored and the views are awesome. I might mention the 200 plus stairs that spiral you o the top.

The little patch of sand to the top right of the photo is where the Lighthouse used to stand back in1999 before they moved it.

All repainted and repaired and looking like new.

the next few pictures are from the Civil War Monuments in the parking lot of the Graveyard of the Atlantic Museum .

This is also on of the reasons the area is called the Graveyard of the Atlantic . Depends on what book you read or who you talk too as there could be over a thousand wrecks in the area from Centuries of storms and our many Wars fought in the area.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Pea Island

Another beautiful sunset over the our RV pad.

I know it has been awhile since I posted and it is just so nice here that we have been on the go .

We have put up a bird feeder here as it is OK with the NPS as we are sleeping on Park service land .

A few Pelicans flew over us as we are just over the Sand Dune from he Ocean.

Some of our feathered friends do their eating  dance

Some times there are six to eight birds eating at the same time.

Lots of coming and going.

Had a few thunder storms and some pretty good down pours since we arrived.

I was working at the outside table and she came for a visit.

As we have now seen even the Ghost Crabs seem to like the bird seed that has been kicked to the ground.

Birds and crab do the feeding dance.

On our way up to Virginia beach we discovered a little know Confederate Monument to one of the Regiments that fought in the Battle of Centerville. We finally discovered how Battlefield Road received it's name here.

This is where the Church stood when the Regiment was formed. The Virginia Grays.

The ultimate in cat lounging.

Monday, June 2, 2014

   We left Texas in one heck of a rain storm as we found out later in the day that the area we were in had received over 10 inches of much needed rain. But dang it didn't have to come all at once. We managed between the rain drops to get hooked up and on the road with out to much effort or getting to wet ourselves as it was good planning on our part that we had done all the prep to hit the road the day before. We had made plans to stay in New Orleans for two nights and that worked out OK. We out ran the storm coming out of Texas and pulled into our RV slot with out getting wet. The next day to our surprise we awoke to a clear day and it was almost sunny. We headed off to the French Quarter and hit Café Du Monde  for their special treats and sat and watched the world go by for an hour of street music and people watching. Always a real treat when you are in such a beautiful place with no real agenda other than to walk and watch. We did well until the afternoon when the storm finally caught up with us and it was time to retreat back to the RV and enjoy the lightning and thunder as it rolled past us. We were once again at the Camp ground on the shipping channel and it was awesome to see all the goings on even in the storm. New Orleans has really come back and everything is under new construction or old renovation . Way neat to see it all as we have been through it each year since Katrina , wow. We traveled through that same storm on and off for four days as we would run through and get ahead and then have it catch up with us again. At some points we would have to pull off the road into rest areas as it was raining so hard you could only see a car length ahead. Once the storm moved to the north of us the trip was far more pleasant and we arrived today and have settled into our site which is just great and we are almost alone here as there are only three units in a nine unit area . I meet the Marine Biologist during set up and she is here to help with tracking the Turtle nesting areas and she said as of today there were still no nests to be found. It's sad as they should have been here a month ago. Probably to much change in the area over the last few years with the storms and all the damage to the beaches. Just got the computer back on line today , again had problems with a virus so I changed brands once again and everything seems good again for awhile any way.              G

Leaving Texas and on the way to North Carolina

One happy Grackle with  a butterfly for lunch. I took this shot on our last day at Anahuac from the new VIS.

One of the Scissor Tails by Shoveler Pond.

A look down the Bayou From one of the overlooks at the Skillern Tract .

Even the drainage canals are in bloom now.

The view from our camp site in Leesville Al on our way to Pea Island NC.

Arrived today at Pea Island and after we had time to set up and get some food in us we took an evening walk on the beach behind our RV. It's just beautiful here today.

Some light waves and a slight onshore breeze. No mosquitoes .

The tracks and the whole belong to a good sized Ghost Crab working his part of the beach.
Our home site for the next few months . It's only 100 yards from the ocean, just over the dune . Life is good.

Some Whale bones we found out behind the RV pads.