Saturday, April 19, 2014

A few pictures from the last week .

The Refuge has really greened up since the days are much warmer. Today we hit 80 here and it was just a lovely day. We were in the Main Visitor Center today and we had a good crowd come in which is rare for a Saturday .We had a good time talking to folks from all over the Country and the UK . We sent so many people to the Main Refuge that at one point it had all 50 parking spaces full with folks parking on the road side. The Holiday week end has really brought out the Visitors.

Another one of the big Gators bellowing for a lady.

A shot of us waiting for the 300 school kids to move to their next station . Our Station  was Target Casting and it was a hoot. It seems even when you are totally surrounded by water some kids have never held a fishing pole.

This was one of their favorite stops.

We had some interesting weather as this cold front moved through.

If we were in Wyoming you  would be looking at mountains , not storm clouds.

It was awesome until it moved over us and the wind , rain , and lighting was just eerily beautiful.

And then it cleared and this was our Sunset.

We received over 2 inches of rain in 2 hours and then it was warm and lovely .

As a Cattle Egret rests after doing some cow cleaning. There are thousands of them all over the area and on the Refuge. 

Our first Purple Gallinule of the season. There will hundreds of them here in a week or so.

A Blue Winged Teal resting on the Pond.

We tried to find this one in the bird books but we had no luck. But he is cool looking any way.

Just a Grackle and some Flowers.

A Lease Bittern hiding out.

I wish I knew how this motion happens , but it does make a neat picture.

A Black Necked Stilt hunting.

Last nights Sunset. Over the past week we have given Environmental Education Programs to over 500 school children and we still have some 600 kids to go in the next four weeks and we hope to be on the Road and headed to North Carolina and Pea Island Refuge for the summer. We are looking forward to being back on the East Coast for a few months and taking some time for visit back in PA.   Anyway we want to wish all a Great  Easter              G                                                                                   

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

The Last Couple of days

We have to keep moving them off the road as they get flattened quite often.

They love the warmth of the roads.

A Heron hunting in the Bayou 

Another Thistle tree.

Pretty Evening Primrose

Cows as far as the eye can see.

A handsome Brahma and some ladies with Cattle Herons cleaning off the bugs from the Cows.

A Green Headed Heron waiting for dinner.

Rosette Spoonbills on the pond.

Shot from the back windows of the RV this morning.

A mix of old and new, with men on horses and vehicles moving the Cattle from pasture to pasture down the road.

They make quite a sight.

The Moms always calling to the young.

All is tranquil and then.

Then they break into a run.

And then they have passed by.

They will go about two miles to the next pasture.

Some carry a spare tire, they carry a spare horse.

Sunday, April 6, 2014

This man is bellowing looking for a friend

Just enjoying the day

As the sun goes down.

This may just work out.

The Ibis looking good in his best feathers.

A small Blue heron watching the world go by.

A Stilt and a Cowbird checking out the bugs coming up in the newly flooded Moist soil Unit.

Just waiting for some thing to pass.

A look down the Inter Coastal Water way that runs through the Refuge.

Happy Gull

A Scissor Tail moving through

Another Scissor Tail

More fields being burned off to be readied  for planting.

A Heron ready to hunt.

The Purple Martins all nested in their new home.

Ibis flying by.

Lauren making some new friends.

Not as elaborate as Independence Hall in Philadelphia but it to got the job done.

Always a little Civil War in the mix.