Friday, January 30, 2015

Another week gone

All the Ducks in a row. The Cormorants drying their wings in the sun. Unlike a regular duck they do not have oils to spread so after they dive for the dinner they must dry their feathers.

Enjoying the warmth .

We love the Coots.

A Shoveler looking for his lady.

Pin Tails , butt up.

Our love birds are still here , butt we have not seen their baby this year.

One of the Grebes . We call them our pocket ducks. They are just so cute.

The view from the RV Pads in the fog .

The Spider Webs in the morning dew .

On the move

Snow Geese moving through.

A baby just born last night.

Just cute.

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Geting a little lazy

White Pelicans stopped by for a few days.

Roseate Spoonbill's over Alligator Marsh
A Turn looking for meal

A Shoveler Male Duck all colored up for the ladies.

Commando resting , as always

Cutie warming her feet in the cat house
A Vermilion in the sun on a wire as always. You would think they would go to the trees close by.

As we warm up the Gators are slowly coming out of their holes.

A Turtle pile up, enjoying the warm weather.

A Snow Goose moving through the reeds

A Crested CaraCara on the entrance road to the Refuge .They love the utility poles along the road.

A Coot in a puddle on the road side

The clouds are swirling as another warm front moves through. It hit 65 here .

The Spoonbills working the marsh

Friday, January 9, 2015

This Past week was really cold.

A Coot and a Heron on Shovelers Pond
The Ranchers use the Burrows to keep the Coyotes away from the new born's

An Egret  trying to keep warm. IT has been in the 40's here all week with nights dipping into the 30's.

Just hanging out.

A Brown Pelican hunting off of the Ponds Bridge.

Rosettes coming into the mud flats to feed.

They are just starting to really color up as the feed gets more plentiful.

The Cardinals are starting to migrate into the area.

We spotted one of the Otters on Shoveler Pond on our late after noon run.

His profile shot.

A young Black Crown Night Heron

Sunday, January 4, 2015

A new year

So we spent some time this week visiting other Refuges in our area and as always you see a diverse wetland with much of the same critters as Anahuac. But still very lovely.

This Refuge is much larger than Anahuac but doesn't have the same terrain so we saw more Deer and smaller mammals but also neat place to visit.

This poor Pelican came in with a thump on the roof of the RV this morning giving us and the cats a bit of a start. He is a young bird and with the cold and wind today he was just tired and stayed for a half hour and then moved on.

A Night Heron at Brazoria Refuge.

The Spoonbills on the Pond in Anahuac.

Those darn balloons keep drifting into the Refuge but I was surprised to see who it was.

Buzz Light Year

Sandhill  Cranes along the  Road to San Bernard. These birds are very tall and so neat to listen to them call to each other.

Some Ring Neck Ducks tooling around on the lake in Brazoria.

A Meadow Lark just hanging out waiting for a friend.

A Belted Kingfisher along the Bayou by the old shops in Anahuac.